Die Überraschung der Vivien Pastiof

In diesem Februar meldete sich Vivien Pastiof zurück – zumindest in Form einer Postkarte. Viele kannten sie bereits aus demAlternate Reality Game Final Mill, welches ein Jahr zuvor im gleichen Monat begonnen hatte. Damals war sie nach den ganzen Ereignissen erst einmal untergetaucht um sich an einen geheimen Ort zurückzuziehen und zu neuen Kräften zu kommen.

Als sie sich dann Anfang diesen Jahres mit sonnigen Urlaubsgrüßen meldete, waren nicht nur enige der damaligen Teilnehmer erfreut zu lesen, dass es ihr gut ging. Es waren auch neue, interessierte ARG-Spieler hinzugekommen, die damals nur von Final Mill gelesen hatten oder die sogar noch gar nicht mit dem ARG in Kontakt gekommen waren.

Vivien hatte neben ihren Grüßen noch zwei weitere Überraschungen vorbereitet. Die Sunny Side of the Lane und das, was am Ende dieser Straße auf die Teilnehmer wartete.

Bei der Sunny Side of the Lane handelt es sich um einen Rätselpfad. Das besondere daran ist, dass man immer erst ein Rätsel lösen muss, um zum nächsten zu gelangen. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad der Rätsel kann dabei stets variieren wobei die Lösung manchmal schon direkt vor einem liegt.

Auch bei der Sunny of the Side Lane gelangt man von einem Rätsel zum nächsten. Dabei bauen die Rätsel nicht zwingend thematisch aufeinander auf, aber sie sind in jedem Fall immer im thematischen Zusammenhang mit der Story von Final Mill zu sehen. Das muss allerdings nicht bedeuten, dass man den Rätselpfad nicht lösen kann, wenn man damals bei Final Mill nicht dabei war. Ganz im Gegenteil: Durch die Rätsel erlangt man einige Eindrücke zu dem damaligen ARG. Wer diese Eindrücke noch mehr vertiefen möchte, der kann das entweder über das Spielerwiki oder das Forum machen, denn beide wurden von den Spielern während des Final-Mill-ARGs angelegt und gepflegt.

Wie bereits erwähnt, sind einige der Rätsel auf der Sunny Side of the Lane schwerer als andere. Wer gar nicht weiterkommt, der kann im ARG-Reporter-Forumdie anderen ja mal nach einem Tipp fragen, die helfen ganz bestimmt. Aber wenn man sich erst einmal durchgebissen hat, dann wartet Vivien Pastiof mit einer Überraschung auf, denn auf der finalen Seite des Rätselpfades stellt sie einen Download-Link zur Verfügung. Über den Link kann man sich die Hör-Überraschung schließlich herunterladen, nach den harten Kopfnüssen entspannt zurücklehnen und lauschen.

Kleiner Tipp der Redaktion: Lauscht die Überraschung im Urlaub am Strand 😉



15 Questions to Ken Eklund

It’s time again for a 15-Questions-Interview.

This time we asked Ken Eklund to answer our questions. He is well known for his work on World Without Oil and Ruby’s Bequest and some other ARGs of course. Especially with these two he and the other puppetmasters invented a new type of Alternate Reality Game called Serious ARGs. These kind of ARGs try to concern on real world problems and topics like running out of oil and they try to find solutions to those problems.

You can find some of his latest projects at his website, which goes by the name Writerguy.com.


1) About when and how did you get in touch with ARGs?
It was in early 2005, I think. I was working with a friend to develop this idea we had for this game where the story was scattered all around the Internet, as a benefit for the San Francisco Library. I was surfing the Internet that morning and stumbled upon I LOVE BEES. I called up my friend and said, “This idea has a name! It’s an alternate reality game.”

2) Did you take part in some ARGs as a player, too? Which?

Too many to list. THE LOST RING, SUPERSTRUCT, LAST CALL POKER, JAMIE KANE, TRACES OF HOPE are the ones that spring to mind… Followed many others: GHOSTS OF A CHANCE, for example, which I had a part in creating.

3) In which ARGs have you been Puppetmaster/BHTS and what was your job in those?

Two puppetmastering gigs so far: RUBY’S BEQUEST and WORLD WITHOUT OIL. In both cases I designed and ran the game – uberpuppetmeister, if you will. I have also had a Behind The Curtain role helping develop game concepts, for GHOSTS OF A CHANCE for example, and sharing game information for serious ARGs such as CORAL CROSS.

4) Which ARG do you like best and why?
WORLD WITHOUT OIL, definitely. It was a groundbreaking serious ARG, a true game for change. As the designer, it was simply thrilling to see people engage with it as I hoped and dreamed they would, and then beyond that in ways I never really expected.

It was also thrilling because the game continually surprised me, at every level. Every waking hour while it was going on, there was some clever or honest or astonishing thing created by a player, or by one of our gamemasters (who operated very autonomously), or some astute observation about the game appeared in the press and blogosphere. When articles about the game appeared in Le Monde and Der Spiegel, that was a high point, certainly.

5) Which was the funniest/nicest happening while doing/playing an ARG?
That’s a hard question, because funny and nice things happen all the time in ARGs. Their “pronoia” (opposite of paranoia) is one of the coolest aspects to them.

My most recent game, RUBY’S BEQUEST, was an ARG that explored caring, so it’s pretty much filled with caring moments front to back, some of them quite amazing and cathartic. Institute For The Future, my client, is doing follow-up surveys right now, and uncovering some marvelous player stories. For some of the players, RUBY’S BEQUEST was the best game they had ever experienced, because it was about something real.

A funny moment? One came in RUBY’S BEQUEST when a player asked us for a mailing address – she wanted to send a card to one of our characters – except that all our characters live in the entirely fictitious town of Deepwell USA! Too bad we couldn’t arrange to get all mail to “Deepwell USA” routed to us, as Santa Claus has done with mail to the North Pole.

6) Are there any memories to happenings that you wanted to forget about?
Certainly. Most of them I HAVE forgotten about. One I do remember had to do with a player that got behind the curtain early on in WORLD WITHOUT OIL. And we kinda freaked out. In retrospect I think the player got there pretty innocently and thus we really overreacted. So we ended up alienating a good player for no good reason and I still feel sorry about that. I’ve since learned to trust my players.

7) How do you explain ARGs to your family / friends / relatives and how do they react?
I think ARGs are easier to play than they are to define. I am lucky in that the kind of ARGs I do, massively collaborative ones like WORLD WITHOUT OIL, are relatively easy to explain. “You run across this website that believes the next oil crisis has begun. It shows you how the price of oil is skyrocketing and shortages are beginning. It wants to know how these developments have impacted your life and what you personally are doing to cope.” That’s really all that most people need to get started.

If necessary, you can continue: “It’s collecting all the citizen reports and linking to them. So you can click on what other people are saying; you find a gal in Toronto Canada, for example, talking about hoarding and a guy in Bristol UK talking about a fistfight that broke out in the petrol queue. And that leads you to imagine what actually would be happening on your street and in your life if a global oil crisis really had started. And you write it up or phone it in or maybe make a video, and then WORLD WITHOUT OIL links to it too.”

The part that’s hard to explain, though, is that these massively collaborative games are more than just a collection of stories, in the same way that I LOVE BEES was more than just a science fiction story. The way in which you help assemble it heightens the experience. In WORLD WITHOUT OIL the citizen stories wove together and built on each other in a really remarkable way.

How do people react? Usually there are these stages: first, hunh? Then, what?? Then, tell me more. Then, does that mean that….??? And finally, fascination.

8) Which 3 things does an ARG really need to have, to be a good ARG in your opinion?
The three things that to me make an ARG work: it has to have an alternate reality, there has to be gameplay, and it has to be fun. You probably are saying, “Well, duh!” but the key here is defining what these terms actually mean.

First: the alternate reality. I define “alternate reality” in this context as a fictive scenario that’s got plausibility and internal coherence. “Plausibility” is hard to explain exactly; it has to do with being unflinchingly honest with the concept. Take space aliens as an example: almost all the space aliens we see in modern entertainment are constructed to be entertaining, not honest attempts to imagine what aliens might actually be like. Similarly, “internal coherence” is being honest and real with your story and characters and using that honesty to make the experience richer. Blade Runner and Children of Men are examples of movies with internal coherence. ARGs lose internal coherence when the puzzles are clearly gamemaster constructs, for example.

The second thing an ARG must have: gameplay. I focus here on the verb “play” rather than the noun “game”: that is, are you the player playing at something? How much room is there for you to figure out your own way to achieve the game goal, the way you can in chess or basketball? ARGs rate low in gameplay, in my book, if players follow a rote path to unlock a bit of canned story.

The third thing an ARG must have: it must be fun. “Fun” to me goes beyond the usual experience of a pleasant pastime or diversion – it must have true life value. So winning 10 levels in BEJEWELLED or finding a dead drop is fun but not as much fun as forming intense friendships in your WoW guild, or gaining a real sense of the power of collective intelligence in I LOVE BEES, or getting your worldview challenged in WORLD WITHOUT OIL. Many ARGs score well in this area: people remember them vividly years later, still have friendships with fellow players, are still applying life skills they never knew they had until the game called them forth, still look back on their accomplishments with pride, and so on.

For myself ARGs must have a fourth thing: relevance. They must put you the player in touch with something that is actually meaningful to you and to the society you’re part of. I guess another way to say this is they should aspire to be something like art.

9) Do you have a favourite character from an ARG?
Oh yes: Gracesmom, a young single mother in New Hampshire, brilliantly played by Gupfee, aka Marie Lamb, in WORLD WITHOUT OIL. Marie says that she was channeling people she knows in real life, and Gracesmom certainly had that well-imagined authenticity, but mostly, the way that Marie played her, she was just someone you wanted to be with. As a young single mom, Gracesmom was vulnerable to the worst that the oil shock had to offer, and as the wolves of deprivation came sniffing around her door, her brave and resourceful response to her vulnerabilities brought out the best in our players.

10) What are you currently working on? (if you may tell us/are allowed to tell us 😉 )
WORLD WITHOUT OIL really opened the door for games that address serious real-world issues. So I have people coming to me with fascinating ideas and challenges: what about a game about climate change? Water crisis? Food production? Immigration problems? Can a game help people refine their personal mythologies about hate and forgiveness? About immigrants and citizenship? About health and self-esteem? About freedom? About creativity and community? This is just so unbelievably cool, I can hardly stand it sometimes. RUBY’S BEQUEST is the first of these games to get funded, but others are underway.

I’m getting pings from corporations too along these same lines. There seems to be movement toward “serious promotions”  – entertainment ARGs that also engage with civic issues. For example: a fun and funny ARG features a fuel-efficient car – AND a public dialog about responsible consumption. Or inquiries about how a brand can mobilize its fans to lead in a socially relevant cause such as democracy advocacy or rainforest preservation.

In between these conversations, I’m pursuing interests of my own. I’d really like to do a game for teachers; I’m in some great dialogs with museums; I’m in some fascinating dialogs with theater people and film people. All of us see increased interactivity and participation as an imperative and social networking as a tremendous opportunity. Jane McGonigal speaks eloquently these days about how “happiness engineers” need to keep connecting games with real-world issues, and that’s just what I’m doing every day.

11) Which puzzle from past ARGs do you like best/was real fun? Can you tell us why?
JAMIE KANE had a very neat puzzle where you had gained remote access to a villain’s computer and thus could order it to upload a secret file to your allies’ server. The only problem was, the villain was actively using the computer at the time. So you had to watch the computer’s webcam stream and select a moment when the villain would be distracted long enough for you to upload the file – if she saw the upload happen and canceled it everything would be ruined.

So here I am, watching a completely boring vid of a woman reading her email, petting her cat and sipping her tea – with my finger poised over the INITIATE DOWNLOAD button and sweating bullets the whole time! It was a fabulous example of how a puzzle can be entirely in-game and plausible, and gain drama by doing so.

12) Do you have something like a „phrase“/“objective“ which you follow while organizing and running an ARG?
Not really. Each one is pretty much built from the ground up with a certain audience, gameplay and goal in mind. I do have certain rules of thumb: “What really WOULD happen?” “What WOULD the character do?” – if the ARG fiction were true. And: “That player has a great idea. How can we embrace it?”

13) Do you remember a situation in which you wanted to give up on anything? What happened?
This situation doesn’t happen in crowd-sourced ARGs. In WORLD WITHOUT OIL and RUBY’S BEQUEST, the players really drove the story. So you never reach a point where the players are diverging from the story – they’re creating it!

14) Was there something like a favourite item from an ARG that you didn’t want to give away, but you had to, because the IG-Character had to?

Nothing material. But there were moments all during WORLD WITHOUT OIL when it was tempting to Hollywoodize the story, to make it more like a dramatic movie. But WORLD WITHOUT OIL was not a movie and our characters were not driving the story – the players were. The characters’ job was to be authentic, to help the players be authentic too. So every day we passed up on “dramatic” storylines in favor of authentic ones, and thank heavens we did.

15) How do you see the future of ARGs?
Regarding commercial ARGs, would you as a consumer rather see a company spend a million dollars developing a Super Bowl ad or a great ARG? As more and more people prefer ARGs, more and more of them are going to be made.

The ARG future that I’m very connected to, and excited about, is how ARGs and ARG-style collaborative play are moving into other areas – areas such as culture and civics and politics and science and education and health and economies and ecology. ARGs can revolutionize how people experience these issues and also how they resolve them. We have this fabulous resource in that we have so many people with good ideas and good energy to apply them, and I see ARGs as the perfect way to get people to connect and create, to express those ideas and that energy in positive, meaningful ways. And to have a blast doing it!

Thank you very much for taking the time and answer our 15 Questions, Ken. We are curious about your next ARG-projects.


15 Fragen an Ken Eklund

Es ist mal wieder Zeit für ein 15-Questions-Interview.

Dieses mal haben wir Ken Eklund gebeten unsere Fragen zu beantworten. Man kennt ihn bereits durch die Projekte World Without Oil oder Ruby’s Bequest und natürlich einigen anderen, an denen er mitgewirkt hat. Besonders mit diese beiden ist es ihm und dem Puppetmasterteam gelungen, eine neue Art der Alternate Reality Games zu etablieren, den sogenannten Serious ARGs. Bei diesen ARGs dreht es sich hauptsächlich darum, Themen und Probleme aus der realen Welt zu behandeln, wie zum Beispiel ein Leben ohne Öl aussehen könnte, welche Alternativen es zum Öl gibt und auf diese Probleme und Fragen Antworten zu finden.

Auf seiner Website Writerguy.com stellt er unter anderem eine Übersicht seiner letzten Projekte dar.

1) About when and how did you get in touch with ARGs?
It was in early 2005, I think. I was working with a friend to develop this idea we had for this game where the story was scattered all around the Internet, as a benefit for the San Francisco Library. I was surfing the Internet that morning and stumbled upon I LOVE BEES. I called up my friend and said, “This idea has a name! It’s an alternate reality game.”

2) Did you take part in some ARGs as a player, too? Which?

Too many to list. THE LOST RING, SUPERSTRUCT, LAST CALL POKER, JAMIE KANE, TRACES OF HOPE are the ones that spring to mind… Followed many others: GHOSTS OF A CHANCE, for example, which I had a part in creating.

3) In which ARGs have you been Puppetmaster/BHTS and what was your job in those?

Two puppetmastering gigs so far: RUBY’S BEQUEST and WORLD WITHOUT OIL. In both cases I designed and ran the game – uberpuppetmeister, if you will. I have also had a Behind The Curtain role helping develop game concepts, for GHOSTS OF A CHANCE for example, and sharing game information for serious ARGs such as CORAL CROSS.

4) Which ARG do you like best and why?
WORLD WITHOUT OIL, definitely. It was a groundbreaking serious ARG, a true game for change. As the designer, it was simply thrilling to see people engage with it as I hoped and dreamed they would, and then beyond that in ways I never really expected.

It was also thrilling because the game continually surprised me, at every level. Every waking hour while it was going on, there was some clever or honest or astonishing thing created by a player, or by one of our gamemasters (who operated very autonomously), or some astute observation about the game appeared in the press and blogosphere. When articles about the game appeared in Le Monde and Der Spiegel, that was a high point, certainly.

5) Which was the funniest/nicest happening while doing/playing an ARG?

That’s a hard question, because funny and nice things happen all the time in ARGs. Their “pronoia” (opposite of paranoia) is one of the coolest aspects to them.

My most recent game, RUBY’S BEQUEST, was an ARG that explored caring, so it’s pretty much filled with caring moments front to back, some of them quite amazing and cathartic. Institute For The Future, my client, is doing follow-up surveys right now, and uncovering some marvelous player stories. For some of the players, RUBY’S BEQUEST was the best game they had ever experienced, because it was about something real.

A funny moment? One came in RUBY’S BEQUEST when a player asked us for a mailing address – she wanted to send a card to one of our characters – except that all our characters live in the entirely fictitious town of Deepwell USA! Too bad we couldn’t arrange to get all mail to “Deepwell USA” routed to us, as Santa Claus has done with mail to the North Pole.


6) Are there any memories to happenings that you wanted to forget about?
Certainly. Most of them I HAVE forgotten about. One I do remember had to do with a player that got behind the curtain early on in WORLD WITHOUT OIL. And we kinda freaked out. In retrospect I think the player got there pretty innocently and thus we really overreacted. So we ended up alienating a good player for no good reason and I still feel sorry about that. I’ve since learned to trust my players.

7) How do you explain ARGs to your family / friends / relatives and how do they react?
I think ARGs are easier to play than they are to define. I am lucky in that the kind of ARGs I do, massively collaborative ones like WORLD WITHOUT OIL, are relatively easy to explain. “You run across this website that believes the next oil crisis has begun. It shows you how the price of oil is skyrocketing and shortages are beginning. It wants to know how these developments have impacted your life and what you personally are doing to cope.” That’s really all that most people need to get started.

If necessary, you can continue: “It’s collecting all the citizen reports and linking to them. So you can click on what other people are saying; you find a gal in Toronto Canada, for example, talking about hoarding and a guy in Bristol UK talking about a fistfight that broke out in the petrol queue. And that leads you to imagine what actually would be happening on your street and in your life if a global oil crisis really had started. And you write it up or phone it in or maybe make a video, and then WORLD WITHOUT OIL links to it too.”

The part that’s hard to explain, though, is that these massively collaborative games are more than just a collection of stories, in the same way that I LOVE BEES was more than just a science fiction story. The way in which you help assemble it heightens the experience. In WORLD WITHOUT OIL the citizen stories wove together and built on each other in a really remarkable way.

How do people react? Usually there are these stages: first, hunh? Then, what?? Then, tell me more. Then, does that mean that….??? And finally, fascination.

8) Which 3 things does an ARG really need to have, to be a good ARG in your opinion?
The three things that to me make an ARG work: it has to have an alternate reality, there has to be gameplay, and it has to be fun. You probably are saying, “Well, duh!” but the key here is defining what these terms actually mean.

First: the alternate reality. I define “alternate reality” in this context as a fictive scenario that’s got plausibility and internal coherence. “Plausibility” is hard to explain exactly; it has to do with being unflinchingly honest with the concept. Take space aliens as an example: almost all the space aliens we see in modern entertainment are constructed to be entertaining, not honest attempts to imagine what aliens might actually be like. Similarly, “internal coherence” is being honest and real with your story and characters and using that honesty to make the experience richer. Blade Runner and Children of Men are examples of movies with internal coherence. ARGs lose internal coherence when the puzzles are clearly gamemaster constructs, for example.

The second thing an ARG must have: gameplay. I focus here on the verb “play” rather than the noun “game”: that is, are you the player playing at something? How much room is there for you to figure out your own way to achieve the game goal, the way you can in chess or basketball? ARGs rate low in gameplay, in my book, if players follow a rote path to unlock a bit of canned story.

The third thing an ARG must have: it must be fun. “Fun” to me goes beyond the usual experience of a pleasant pastime or diversion – it must have true life value. So winning 10 levels in BEJEWELLED or finding a dead drop is fun but not as much fun as forming intense friendships in your WoW guild, or gaining a real sense of the power of collective intelligence in I LOVE BEES, or getting your worldview challenged in WORLD WITHOUT OIL. Many ARGs score well in this area: people remember them vividly years later, still have friendships with fellow players, are still applying life skills they never knew they had until the game called them forth, still look back on their accomplishments with pride, and so on.

For myself ARGs must have a fourth thing: relevance. They must put you the player in touch with something that is actually meaningful to you and to the society you’re part of. I guess another way to say this is they should aspire to be something like art.

9) Do you have a favourite character from an ARG?
Oh yes: Gracesmom, a young single mother in New Hampshire, brilliantly played by Gupfee, aka Marie Lamb, in WORLD WITHOUT OIL. Marie says that she was channeling people she knows in real life, and Gracesmom certainly had that well-imagined authenticity, but mostly, the way that Marie played her, she was just someone you wanted to be with. As a young single mom, Gracesmom was vulnerable to the worst that the oil shock had to offer, and as the wolves of deprivation came sniffing around her door, her brave and resourceful response to her vulnerabilities brought out the best in our players.


10) What are you currently working on? (if you may tell us/are allowed to tell us 😉 )
WORLD WITHOUT OIL really opened the door for games that address serious real-world issues. So I have people coming to me with fascinating ideas and challenges: what about a game about climate change? Water crisis? Food production? Immigration problems? Can a game help people refine their personal mythologies about hate and forgiveness? About immigrants and citizenship? About health and self-esteem? About freedom? About creativity and community? This is just so unbelievably cool, I can hardly stand it sometimes. RUBY’S BEQUEST is the first of these games to get funded, but others are underway.

I’m getting pings from corporations too along these same lines. There seems to be movement toward “serious promotions”  – entertainment ARGs that also engage with civic issues. For example: a fun and funny ARG features a fuel-efficient car – AND a public dialog about responsible consumption. Or inquiries about how a brand can mobilize its fans to lead in a socially relevant cause such as democracy advocacy or rainforest preservation.

In between these conversations, I’m pursuing interests of my own. I’d really like to do a game for teachers; I’m in some great dialogs with museums; I’m in some fascinating dialogs with theater people and film people. All of us see increased interactivity and participation as an imperative and social networking as a tremendous opportunity. Jane McGonigal speaks eloquently these days about how “happiness engineers” need to keep connecting games with real-world issues, and that’s just what I’m doing every day.

11) Which puzzle from past ARGs do you like best/was real fun? Can you tell us why?
JAMIE KANE had a very neat puzzle where you had gained remote access to a villain’s computer and thus could order it to upload a secret file to your allies’ server. The only problem was, the villain was actively using the computer at the time. So you had to watch the computer’s webcam stream and select a moment when the villain would be distracted long enough for you to upload the file – if she saw the upload happen and canceled it everything would be ruined.

So here I am, watching a completely boring vid of a woman reading her email, petting her cat and sipping her tea – with my finger poised over the INITIATE DOWNLOAD button and sweating bullets the whole time! It was a fabulous example of how a puzzle can be entirely in-game and plausible, and gain drama by doing so.

12) Do you have something like a „phrase“/“objective“ which you follow while organizing and running an ARG?
Not really. Each one is pretty much built from the ground up with a certain audience, gameplay and goal in mind. I do have certain rules of thumb: “What really WOULD happen?” “What WOULD the character do?” – if the ARG fiction were true. And: “That player has a great idea. How can we embrace it?”

13) Do you remember a situation in which you wanted to give up on anything? What happened?
This situation doesn’t happen in crowd-sourced ARGs. In WORLD WITHOUT OIL and RUBY’S BEQUEST, the players really drove the story. So you never reach a point where the players are diverging from the story – they’re creating it!

14) Was there something like a favourite item from an ARG that you didn’t want to give away, but you had to, because the IG-Character had to?

Nothing material. But there were moments all during WORLD WITHOUT OIL when it was tempting to Hollywoodize the story, to make it more like a dramatic movie. But WORLD WITHOUT OIL was not a movie and our characters were not driving the story – the players were. The characters’ job was to be authentic, to help the players be authentic too. So every day we passed up on “dramatic” storylines in favor of authentic ones, and thank heavens we did.

15) How do you see the future of ARGs?
Regarding commercial ARGs, would you as a consumer rather see a company spend a million dollars developing a Super Bowl ad or a great ARG? As more and more people prefer ARGs, more and more of them are going to be made.

The ARG future that I’m very connected to, and excited about, is how ARGs and ARG-style collaborative play are moving into other areas – areas such as culture and civics and politics and science and education and health and economies and ecology. ARGs can revolutionize how people experience these issues and also how they resolve them. We have this fabulous resource in that we have so many people with good ideas and good energy to apply them, and I see ARGs as the perfect way to get people to connect and create, to express those ideas and that energy in positive, meaningful ways. And to have a blast doing it!

Vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast unsere Fragen zu beantworten, Ken. Wir sind schon ganz gespannt auf deine nächsten ARG-Projekte.

Moving to a new server

We are currently moving to a new server and we will give you more infos, as soon as we have done all things about that. In the meantime you can still find all the contents of our Website here.

Fotonachweis: CC Reverend Aviator (@Flickr)

Server Umzug

Zur Zeit befinden wir uns in der heißen Phase eines Serverumzugs.

Mehr Infos, sobald alles wieder online ist und reibungslos funktioniert. Die alten Inhalte können in der Zwischenzeit hier eingesehen werden.

ARG-Reporter Get-2-Gether im Juni

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ARGR Get-Together Tuesdays auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Markiert Euch am besten heute schon einmal den 30. Juni 2008 (19.30 Uhr) in Eurem Kalender, denn dann findet unser nächster ARGR Get-Together Tuesday statt. Treffpunkt ist wie immer das gemütliche Lese-Cafe Village Voice im Herzen Berlins – in der Ackerstraße 1A. Hier findet ihr auch eine Kartenansicht und könnt Euch auch eine Wegbeschreibung mit Hilfe der Google-Maps anzeigen lassen.

Die Dadas und das Gitche Manitou sorgen genauso wie einige andere aktuelle Alternate Reality Games für unseren Gesprächsstoff. Und vielleicht bekommen wir ja auch noch Besuch. Von wem? Das wird noch nicht verraten. Wenn ihr Euch schon einmal vorab anmelden wollt: Nur zu! Hier gehts zu dem zugehörigen Facebook-Event.

Wir sind gespannt und freuen uns auf Euer zahlreiches Erscheinen. Bis bald!


Join the Pirates gewinnt Deutschen Preis für Wirtschafskommunikation

Ein paar Tage ist es ja bereits her, dass eine Gruppe von Piraten auf sich aufmerksam gemacht hat. Angeführt von der Kapitänin Charlotte Vorberg kämpften damals unter anderem eine Vielzahl junger Studenten und Studentinnen um die Machenschaften und Geschäfte des Tom Burroughs und seiner dunklen Gesellen und um sie erfolgreich zur Aufgabe zu zwingen.

Am letzten Mittwoch wurde nun der Deutsche Preis für Wirtschaftskommunikation vergeben und auch Join The Pirates war unter den Gewinnern: Im Bereich Beste Online-Kommunikation wurde das Alternate Reality Game der vm-people GmbH, das im Auftrag der Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH durchgeführt wurde, mit diesem Preis bedacht.

Der Deutsche Preis für Wirtschaftskommunikation wird seit 2001 von Studierenden der (F)HTW Berlin verliehen. In der Begründung der Jury heißt es zu der Kampagne:

„In der Welt der Unternehmensberatung ist es zunehmend schwieriger, High Potentials als zukünftige Mitarbeiter zu gewinnen. Der Erfolg eines solchen Unternehmens hängt jedoch sehr stark von seinen Mitarbeitern ab. Im Bewusstsein dieser Problematik stellte sich das Unternehmen Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH die Aufgabe, zukünftige Mitarbeiter auf innovative Art und Weise zu bewerben, um als engagierter und attraktiver Arbeitgeber aus der Masse hervorzustechen. Erreicht werden sollte dies durch Entwicklung und Durchführung eines genau auf die definierte Zielgruppe zugeschnittenen Alternate Reality Games (ARG). Besonders positiv bewertete die Jury den Mut, den Weg des klassischen Mitarbeitermarketing zu verlassen und sich eine neue Kommunikationsform des digitalen Zeitalters zunutze zu machen. Ein strategisch gut durchdachtes Konzept, gepaart mit Effekten des Viralen Marketing und des Community Building, führte genau zum angestrebten Ziel.“

Wir freuen uns mit über diese Auszeichnung und haben sogar schon Gerüchte gehört, dass dies nicht die letzte Nachricht sein soll, die von der Pirate Society kam.

Zurück in die Realität auf dem VWC2

Am letzten Dienstag fand im Berliner Congress-Centrum am Alex das sogenannte Virtual Worlds Camp 2 statt. Dabei belohnte das Programm den aufmerksamen Teilnehmer mit einem bunten Blumenstrauß an interessanten Vorträgen. Einige davon drehten sich um den Aufbau und die Entwicklung von globalen Wirtschaftssystemen innerhalb der virtuellen Welten. Andere beschäftigten sich mit sozialen Umständen und der engen Verbundenheit des Spielers mit seinem Avatar. Da war es fast schon ein seltsames Gefühl, in einem eigenen Beitrag aus den virtuellen Welten wieder zurück in die Realität auszubrechen.

Unter dem Titel „Interkulturelle Erlebnisse eines Alternate Reality Games“ gab es nicht nur einen Rückblick auf das vor kurzem zuende gegangene ARG Charlotte is becoming real sondern entlang der Einführung in die Thematik eines ARGs auch eine Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen, teilnehmenden Communities.

Das Alternate Reality Game startete in den USA und involvierte die amerikanischen und generell die englisch-sprechenden Teilnehmer. Später flogen sogar zwei amerikanische Teilnehmerinnen nach Berlin um dort mit der deutsch-sprachigen Community das Finale zu bestehen. Im Vordergrund des Beitrags stand dabei die Betrachtung des Austausches der beiden Communities untereinander sowie deren Umgang mit der Story und den Aufgaben.

There’s a story to be told … | In Erinnerung an Dave Szulborski

Dave Szulborski

Am 23. April 2009 verstarb Dave Szulborski im Alter von 51 Jahren im Verlauf einer schweren Leukämie-Erkrankung, die bereits im letzten Jahr bei ihm diagnostiziert und behandelt wurde. Zunächst wusste nur Daves engster Familien- und Freundeskreis von der Erkrankung. Im April 2008 erreichte die Nachricht auch die ARG-Community durch Varins Aufruf zum Folding the Wish – der Verwirklichung einer alten, japanischen Legende, bei der man für jemanden einen Wunsch auf einen Zettel schreibt und diesen anschließend zu einem Papierkranich faltet. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit kamen überall aus der Community und auch überall aus der Welt über Tausend solcher Kraniche zusammen, die dann von Varin auf mehrere Fäden gereiht und Dave schließlich übergeben wurden.

Die vielen Genesungswünsche und die vielen positiven Gedanken halfen Dave, dass er beim ARGFest-o-Con 2008 eine Keynote halten konnte, in der er darüber sprach, wie er überhaupt dazu kam ARGs zu kreieren, warum ARGs aus seiner Sicht keine Games im eigentlichen Sinne sind und warum er überhaupt immer wieder ARGs entwickelte und umsetzte – immerhin nahmen sie teilweise sein gesamtes Leben für den Zeitraum der Umsetzung in Anspruch. Doch immer wenn er sich genau diese Frage stellte, dann gab es für ihn darauf auch immer nur eine Antwort: Es gibt eine Geschichte zu erzählen (There’s a story to be told). Seine Keynote war neben den vielen Informationen auch gleichzeitig eine der rührendsten und bewegensten Reden, die ich jemals erleben durfte, denn er sprach auch darüber, wie sehr ihm die Kraniche und somit die gemeinsame Stärke aus der Community die Kraft gab, an sich selbst und seine Genesung zu glauben, selbst wenn in dieser Zeit schwer war, überhaupt daran zu glauben.

In all den Jahren zuvor hatte Dave der Community so viel gegeben. Er hat verschiedene Bücher veröffentlicht, die sowohl denen den Einstieg in die Welt erleichterten, die an den ARGs als Spieler teilnehmen wollten, aber auch denen, die auf der anderen Seite des Vorhangs stehen und selbst ARGs kreieren wollten – die ihre eigenen interaktiven Geschichten erzählen wollten. Mit seine Independent ARGs spielte er sich genauso in die Herzen der ARGer wie mit Auftragsarbeiten für andere Unternehmen. Dabei inspirierte er damit viele weitere, die ähnlich wie er ihre eigenen Geschichten erzählen wollten und dies auch taten. Er war ein wichtiger Bestandteil und eine Berreicherung der ARG-Community, jemand der auch für einen da war und der bei Fragen und ähnlichem aushalf.

Er wird uns fehlen, wo auch immer ihn sein Weg nun hingeführt hat.

Seine Frau Marianne möchte in seinem Namen und auch für seinen Sohn Tyler den Kontakt zur Community aufrecht erhalten. Diejenigen, denen es möglich war, sind auch heute nach Bethlehem (PA) gereist, um ihm vor Ort die letzte Würde zu erweisen. Zwar können wir nicht persönlich vor Ort sein, aber wir sind es in Gedanken.

In Gedenken an Dave Szulborski widmet ihm das Kommittee des ARGFest-o-Con die diesjährige Veranstaltung in Portland. Auf der Website findet man ausserdem eine Übersicht seines Schaffens, seiner Ideen und seiner Werke, sowie ein Video der Keynote vom letzten Jahr mit zusätzlichem Transcript.

Dave’s ARGs:

2001: Majestic – beta tester, content creator through BIOS program – Electronic Arts
2001: ChangeAgents – Creative Chip- independent
2001: ChangeAgents – Operation Mindset- independent, done as part of Majestic’s BIOS Program and featured on their website and in their newsletter
2002: ChangeAgents – Out of Control- independent
2003: Chasing the Wish – independent
2004: Urban Hunt (Dread House) – independent
2005: ARGTalk – independent
2005: Art of the Heist – for Audi, McKinney-Silver, Chelsea Digital, GMD Studios
2006: Who is Benjamin Stove? – for General Motors, Campbell-Ewald, GMD Studios
2006: Catching the Wish – independent
2007: Unnatural Selection (Monster Hunter Club) – for The Host movie, ARGStudios, Magnolia Pictures
2007: Helical Training program – an ARG based training program for BBN Technologies and the U.S. military (DARPA and JFCOM)
2008: Holomove – for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, McCann Erickson, @radicalmedia

Dave’s 15 Fragen-Interview hier auf ARG-Reporter.

Dave’s Websitehttps://daveszulborski.com/

Du wirst uns immer in Erinnerung bleiben, Dave.


Erster ARG-Reporter Get-2-Gether in Koblenz

Am 2. Mai 2009 ist es endlich soweit: Wir organisieren ein Treffen der ARG-Gemeinschaft im westdeutschen Raum mit dem ARGR-Get-Together-Saturday.

Hast du Lust und Zeit dabei zu sein und mit uns über aktuelle wie vergangene ARGs zu plaudern? Über Rätsel, Events und alles was in den letzten Tagen und Monaten so passiert ist? Dann komm vorbei.

Wir treffen uns zu einer gemütlichen Runde ab 19 Uhr in der Kaffeewirtschaft am Münzplatz in Koblenz.

Über zahlreiches Erscheinenen würden wir uns sehr freuen.